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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Disc-O-Ten, Tell Us Your Favorite Oldies

I am sure you all remember the Disc-O-Ten from our youth.
I and reps.from many other schools have sought to acquire a copy
of our class' appeareance on the show for presentation at our
respective reunions or other functions.

Below is a response from Gene Loving(WGH)to my inquiry about
obtaining a copy for our reunion. As you may recall he,
along with Dick Lamb, hosted Disc-O Ten.

Edward, sounds like you are putting a lot of work into the reunion,
trying to make it special for your former classmates and friends.
I would love to direct you to a copy of any Disc-O-Ten show,
but they have all faded away.

In those days the tape machines were giant,
the tape was 2 ins wide and a reel of tape weighed about 20 pounds.
WAVY did not copy any of the few shows they had once the
personal size recorders appeared.

Someone told me they have a small clip that they played on air at
a WAVY 50th anniversary show but that is all I know about.
You could try contacting WAVY. Have a fun event. regards, gene

Mr.Loving is currently CEO of Max Media LLC which acquires, builds and
operates television and radio stations throughout the United States.

That he took the time to respond to our request in less than 24 hrs was,
to me, quite impressive.

That clip he mentioned that WAVY showed at it's anniversary is highly
unlikely to be the show we were on.

So,class,you can help make our reunion in August a success by suggesting songs from 1965 to 1970 that you would like to hear played at the event. Click the comments link at the end of this post and leave the name of the songs and the artists. If you cant remember the artist, that's o.k.

Also, if by chance you have an old cassette of a DJ's radio broadcast from that era it would lend a bit of nostalgia that would go over quite well. You will be given credit for your contribution.
Credit. Not a check!

Contact the class at to make arrangements.

Here is a link to a very interesting article regarding the economy,
and why things are the way they are.
If you think things are rough now, just wait.

When Bad Is Good-The Doomed Dollar

Finally, some old photos from way back.
If you know where they are let them know they are blog stars.

Thomasine Hodges

BTW Print Shop Crew #1 L-R
Edward West, Thomas Springs, J.K.Baylor, Christopher Escoe

Gwendolyn Baker

Michelle Ashe

Patricia Hodges

Barbara Miller

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Our May 31st Meeting Was A Success

Starting midweek ominous forecasts re our weather
for the weekend started surfacing.

Even on the very day,and into the afternoon, negative
weather was predicted to spoil our meeting/cookout.
Nothing new to the intrepid.We went anyway.
BEAUTiful weather,good traffic,good directions,and so,--

We had a very good time at Denise Morgan's home.
Thank you,Denise for having us. There was so much
good food,we had seconds, thirds, and took some home.

Sylvia Stewart-Bell lead the closing prayer. By the time she
finished several people had teary eyes. I almost reached for
my wallet to tithe.

Here are the details for the reunion.

Friday, August 15th-
Norfolk Airport Hilton,1500 N.Military Hwy.,(757)4668000
3PM- Hotel Check In and Registration
5PM- Meet & Greet in the Hotel Hospitality Suite

Saturday, August 16th-
1200 Noon til 4PM Picnic and Cookout at Barraud Park.

9PM-1AM- Dinner & Dance at the Airport Hilton.
1AM Until Socializing in the Hotel Hospitality Suite

Sunday, August 17th-
11AM-1PM- Church services at Bethlehem Baptist Church
Corner of Marshall Ave & Link St
Norfolk, Virginia 23504