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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

BTW '67 Outing At Barraud Park In 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mom Through The Years

Someone posted this on my FaceBook page. Thought I would share.

When we were:
At the age of 4:Mom knows everything!
At 8: Mom knows a lot!
At 12: Mom doesn’t really know everything.
At 14: Mom doesn’t know anything.
At 16:Mom doesn’t exist.
At 18: She’s old fashioned.
At 25: Maybe Mom does know about this!
At 35: Before we decide, let’s ask Mom.
At 45: I wonder what Mom ...thinks about this?
At 75: I wish I could ask my Mom about this.

If your Mom is still here, give her a hug. If not, smile at the memories.