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Friday, July 20, 2012



Due to the prediction of 70% rain and storms tomorrow, the yard sale will be postponed till a later date!


Host: Doreatha Joyner
Address: 4025 Sarsfield Street Va. Beach, Va. 23456
Phone: 757-630-1226

Agenda and information:
* October 13, 2010 Dance Tickets will be distributed
* Committee Reports will be given
* Entrees will be supplied
* Bring side dishes, desserts and drinks of all kinds


Sunday, July 15, 2012

BTW '68 Meeting And Yard Sale

 Hello BTW '68 Family and Friends,

     Hopefully your summer has been buzzzzy with plenty of family fun and all types of good times. Now, it is time to add your BTW '68 family to your list of fun.
     Below is a list of up coming activities. Please plan to participate.

Saturday, July 21,20012
    **Class Meeting and Yard Sale**

Meeting Host: Doreatha Joyner
: 4025 Sarsfield Street, Va. Beach, 23456
Contact: 757-630-1226
Time: 7am- until
1. Yard Sale.... Below is the information about the Bellwood Estates Civic League Community Yard Sale. Clean out your garages, closets, attics, kitchen cabinets, etc. Tables will be available to display. Please bring portable clothes racks if you have any.

Saturday, July 21 from 8-1 P.M. It is time to clean out the clutter! The BECL Board will post an ad for this event and put signs at the entranceways one week before the event. You can have the yard sale from the comfort of your own driveway. Rain Date will be Saturday, July 28 from 8-1 P.M.

2. Class Meeting (time during or immediately after yard sale)....DANCE TICKETS will be distributed for our OCTOBER 13, 2012 event and plans will be finalized. Also to be discussed...45th reunion activities committee reports, etc.

3. Bring sodas, water, and goodies. May fire up grill for hotdogs and hamburgers.


P.S. Please update your email address to keep informed of class activities.
From your email address send an email with "save to contacts" in the Subject line.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Beach Party Update for July 14th

Hi everybody! I hope you are as excited as I am regarding the beach party being held July 14 from 9 a.m. until at the Sarah Constant Beach Park at Ocean View.

The location where we will be is right across the street from the Farm Fresh, close to the pier. If you go down Granby Street to the end and make a left on the main street (Ocean View Ave.) (forgive me because I cannot think of the name of the street for the life of me – ROTFLOL)

On your right, you will see the parking area (I will try to have some type of decorations so that you will see it), which is right across the street from Farm Fresh.

My cell phone is 301-254-3821 if you need to call me. I will have to be out there at by 6:30 a.m. or 7 a.m. to make sure I get the spot because it is based on a first-come-first serve basis. I am going to bring my volleyball set and some cards so that we can play on the beach, too.

I am going to cater a portion of the food (chicken party wings, baked beans, vegetable tray) but below is a request for each of you to bring something, too; and if you feel like bringing something that is not on the list, please do so. We are really going to have a nice time together; but what will make it so wonderful is that we all will be together again.

I tried to contact Ray the D.J., but he never responded. If you have any type of music, please bring it, too.

Bring Plenty of Ice (if you have an ice chest, please bring that too so that we will be able to put water and sodas to stay cool. The above mentioned Farm Fresh should have ice available for sale.

Water and sodas

Paper plates/folks/knifes/spoons/Napkins/cups (I am bringing some cups, but it would help if more cups are brought)

Water melon, cantaloupe and/or any kind of fruit or fruit salad you wish to bring

Hot dogs, hamburgers (hot dog rolls and hamburger rolls), charcoal, lighter fluid (if you have a small grill you can bring, that also would be great)

Different types of salads (potato salad, garden salad, pasta salad, coleslaw, any kind of salad etc.)

Onions, relish, mustard, mayo, ketchup/pickles, salt and pepper, hot sauce


Trash bags, aluminum foil, saran wrap, fold up tables to put additional food on and for yourselves/ beach chairs/ blankets/ umbrellas/sun tan lotion/first aid kits/newspapers, mallets

For those of you bringing children, please bring their sand toys so that they can have a wonderful time, too. If I have missed anything, and you would like to bring what is not listed, by all means, please bring it.

When you come, I will ask if any of you are interested in getting any crabs/shrimp. If so, we all will need to put our monies together to get these items.

I hope I have not missed anyone. If I have, please ask them to send me an email; and if you would please respond this day before 3 p.m. for sure that you are coming, I will know exactly how much food to cater.

Bring your smile and your happy-party disposition and let’s have fun.

Muriel L. Whitfield