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Thursday, December 27, 2012

BTW '68 Red And White Dance 2013

 The Booker T Washington High School Class of 1968

                                                           PRESENTS A
                 Red and White Dance
                                               Saturday, February 16th, 2013
                                                      10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m
                                                  The Longshoremen's Hall
                                                   3300 Princess Anne Road
                                                     Norfolk,Virginia 23502
                                               **Donation: $15 per person**
                           ( Proceeds to Benefit The BTW68 Scholarship Fund )
                              BYOB ~ Elegant  Dress ~ Buffet
                           Tickets may be purchased from any BTW68 classmate ]
      For more information contact:
  • Rufus Jackson at 240-305-2499
  • Doreatha Joyner at 757-630-1226
  • Sharon Shelton at 757-285-8314

Monday, December 03, 2012

BTW 68 Class Meeting Info December 22, 2012

Hello All!

Previously, our meeting date was to be Dec 15.  However, our new date is DEC. 22, 2012.

 Here are the specifics:

Host: Beverly Brown Haynes

When: December 22nd

Time: 4:00 PM - Until

Where: 2707 Argonne Ave.

Norfolk, Va 23509


*Pot Luck: You know how we do! Chicken will be provided.

Bring your favorite dishes and drinks. Let's celebrate the holidays and TCB.

*Feb. 16, 2012, Valentine Dance Tickets will be available and plans will be finalized.

*Committee reports will be given.

See you Dec. 22nd!

PS: Scroll down to see pictures of our last meeting which was hosted by Melvin Jackson. Thanks Melvin! We had a great time!