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Friday, October 31, 2014

Masquerade Dance Reminders

Hello Class of BTW '68,

I hope you are as excited about our upcoming Masquerade Dance as I am.  I hear that many people are wearing costumes.  GREAT!  You know how I love to take pictures.  This is a great activity to place in the newspaper especially since it is one of our Scholarship projects.  

These are a friendly reminders that were discussed at our last meeting:

  • Classmates are asked to meet at the Longshoreman at 12:00 PM to decorate.
  • Ticket money will be receipted at that time.
  • Unsold tickets can be turned in and additional tickets can be picked up at that time.
  • Each classmate is asked to donate  three (3) sodas: two for the tables and one for the bar.
  • Each classmate is asked to donate a dessert.
  • All food should arrive by 8:30 PM.
  • Receipts must be turned in before being reimbursed.
  • The center pieces will be given away at the end of the dance so encourage our guest not to tamper with them.
  • Please encourage our guest to wait until their table is called before going through the serving line.
  • Guest without tickets can ask for you or Doreatha at the door.
  • We all are to be cordial to one another and our guest:).
  • Classmates are to remain after the dance for 30 minutes if possible to make sure all BTW68 belongings are gathered, packed away, and out of the hall.
Let's get ready for another successful Scholarship Dance!  Please call me if you have any questions or concerns. 

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

BTW '68 : OCT. 10th and 11th Activities

Hello BTW '68 Family and Friends,
    This weekend, October 10th and 11th, will be a very busy one for us! Besides enjoying the NSU Homecoming activities, the following is a list of additional activities for us to attend.

***Friday, Oct. 10, 2014***
Event: Meet and Greet
Host: BD Fraizer
Place: 953 Tifton St.
Norfolk, Va. 23513
Time: 9PM - Until
Notes: Hor d'oeuvres will be served!
BYOB to stock the bar!
Come and enjoy!

***Saturday, October 11, 2014***
Event #1: BTW '68 Class Meeting
Host: Sharon Wallace Shelton
Place: 1400 Covel Street
Norfolk, Va 23323
Time: 6PM (after NSU's Homecoming game)
Agenda: *The Masquerade Ball & Ticket Distribution
  *Committee Reports
Notes: Bring munchies and drinks. Dinner will be served at "Event #2"!

Host: BD Fraizer
Place: 953 Tifton St.
Norfolk, Va. 23513
Time: 10PM - Until
Notes: Buffet dinner will be provided.
BYOB to stock the bar!

Contact: Doreatha...757-630-1226

What a GREAT WEEKEND!! Can not wait to see you!!!!!