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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Get Out And Vote Now!

Greetings BTW Class of 1968,

Once again, 40 years later, we are going to
witness, be apart of and, or make history.

This time we have the opportunity to change, or
continue the way our country has been led since
it's inception.

Whether you are for one party or the other, you
must make your voice heard by voting. When you
cast your vote you earn the right to complain or
criticize the ways and actions of the elected.

When you do not vote, you only have the right to remain
silent. Had you voted the outcome may have been as you wished.

This election, regardless of it's outcome, will be
historic. You should resolve to be a part of history
by casting your vote.

There should be no reason for anyone not to vote.
Check with your local Voter Registration Office in
your state on how you may cast your vote earlier
than November 4th.

Here, in Norfolk,Va., you may use the Absentee
Voting option by casting your vote at the Voter
Registrar's office located on the 8th floor of the
City Hall building.

Park at the garage on Union St.or any other city
parking facility and bring your parking ticket to
the Registrar's office for validation.

You do not need to provide proof of your reason
for using the absentee ballot, but you must state
why you cannot vote on Nov.4th. For example,
doctor's appointment, medical reason, out of the
city, etc.

The registrar personnel are very considerate and
respectful, you will not be interrogated, so just go

You may also vote early at your local Virginia
Department of Motor Vehicles Office (DMV).

According to Norfolk City Councilman Paul Riddick,
you may be better off using your local Voter
Registration Office.

In Virginia you may cast your vote using the
absentee ballot by mail until October 28th. In
person until November 1st.

I encourage you to take advantage of the option
to vote early as the expected high voter turnout
may affect your individually planned "window of
opportunity" to vote on November 4th.

You will not be the only one who planned to vote
on the way to work, during lunch, or on the way
home from work, but before, or after, picking up
the kids or grand kids.

No matter how you plan to vote, just vote.

Here in Virginia you cannot wear T-shirts, ballcaps,
buttons, etc. that promote a candidate or party.
You will be turned away from the polls unless you
cover or remove those items.

Most people have already decided how they will
vote when they get to the polls anyway so
wearing such gear is a "fait accompli".

Comments, questions and criticisms are appreciated.

Edward L. West

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