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Friday, January 30, 2015

Super Bowl XLIX Party

Message to BTW '68: We will meet at 4:00 to finalize some old business before we enjoy our friends and SUPER BOWL!!!! 
Join us as we come together to fellowship, feast, watch and share in the excitement of
Host: Booker T. Washington Class of 1968
When: February 1, 2015
Where: Doreatha & Dennis Joyner's home 
4025 Sarsfield St
Va Beach, Va 23456
Time: 5:00pm - Until
(kick-off is 6:30pm)
Contact: Doreatha...757-630-1226
* Entrées will be provided
* for variety, bring sides & desserts to share
* bring your favorite adult beverage
Come prepared to "raise the roof" rooting your team on to VICTORY!!!!!

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