I hope all is well with everyone,
I am including more links that may be of interest to some. See the links frame at the right.
Anyone who wants to can post links they feel are useful. Just post them in the comments section at the end of each post, or send them to the blog's email address BTWCLASSof68BLOG@gmail.com, and I will put them in the links column.
Also,I want to inform you of Google's Gmail (email) accounts. Many of you may have already created your own by now but, for those who haven't, give it a look see.
Go here for first hand info. http://mail.google.com/mail/help/tour/start.html.
It's free so there's nothing to lose.
The class blog gmail address is BTWCLASSof68BLOG@gmail.com.
Use this address to send comments about( great blog,or this blog sucks), or info of interest to our blog.
Once again I am asking that everyone take a little time to post or send in info that you feel may be of interest to the class as a whole. That way more fresh and varied content can be added to our blog to help make it more interesting.
Thank you for reading.